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On maternity leave, Abby Hollick asked new mothers whether they were satisfied with their postnatal care, and if they wished they had received more mental and physical support. She wanted to find out what they wished they’d known before and after giving birth. 


She flyered hospitals, schools, children’s centres and GPs. Abby collated all the responses and turned them into 'Postnatal FAQs'. This podcast is the result of that research. Your questions have been put to a range of experts who work in the field of maternal health, in a bid to create a series that reassures all new mothers.


There are many more experts to interview and there are still gaps in the care women receive after birth. Abby is keen to tackle the issues that are not currently being addressed in the next season of the podcast. If you have a question you want to share, or an expert you want to put forward, please get in touch here.


Guidance warning: Postnatal FAQ is in no way intended to substitute tailored, one-to-one advice, but we hope it provides useful support and information. The podcast does not suggest that the experts, disciplines, their recommended treatments or any advice they may give is right for you, as we are all so different. Please see your GP or go to A&E about any concerns you have about your own - or your baby's - physical or mental wellbeing.


Postnatal FAQ is a Square Dog Media production.

Producer: Abby Hollick

Studio Manager: Mike Hally

Music: Ian Kellet

Design: Erin Aniker

Website: Daniel Benoliel

Social Media: Rosie Stopher

Research: Lyanne Nicholl

Lawyer: Romana Canneti - 4 Kings Bench Walk


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